Thursday, March 15, 2007

Watch where you step...

Be careful watching this one. Not all audiences may like it. It shows a large insect and a frog falling prey to a plant.

This video is a bit better. It has music. But, still, it shows a beetle falling prey to the plant.

Syrup in Vermont, Sugar in Jamaica

Spring thaws and re-freezes and thaws mean I can almost smell maple, wherever I am. Uncle Cecil's dairy farm and maple sugarbush...Sally and Tom (The horse team that pulled the sleigh)...the buckets on the trees and all the cousins lugging a half an inch of sap while the uncles lugged the full buckets and the aunts made confections (and meals that felt bigger than thanksgiving!).

I love the story of Norbert Reillieux (
) and perhaps enjoy it so much because of watching the sap in Vermont's maple woods and also having had experience inspecting sugar cane crops in Jamaica.

Here's a small part that shows how Norbert was able to use his science literacy to save lives: “A series of vacuum pans, or partial vacuum pans, have been so combined together as to make use of the vapor of the evaporation of the juice in the first, to heat the juice in the second and the vapor from this to heat the juice in the third, which latter is in connection with a condenser, the degree of pressure in each successive one being less… The number of sirup-pans may be increased or decreased at pleasure so long as the last of the series is in conjunction with the condenser.” You can read the full story at:
. Enjoy!

(c)2007 J. S. Shipman