Tuesday, May 22, 2007

H.O.T. Skills

Higher order thinking skills are under development in young minds! What does that mean? In Elementary school, some children already have higher order thinking skills. Parents and teachers help them to develop more. By high school, students should be capable of developing their own higher order thinking, as should adults. We all need to think to solve problems, make decisions, create things, analyze data and perform the tasks our various roles require.

Some students make it all the way through high school without developing their H.O.T. skills, however. These students are readily identified because they think the teacher is not teaching if he or she doesn't tell them what to think...what the answer is. This teacher, though, is the true teacher. The one who shows students how to use their own brains. The one who says, "You can do it."

Coming soon: Ways to develop your child, or your own, H.O.T. skills.
(c)2007 J. S. Shipman

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