Saturday, August 11, 2007

Travel is a great part of your child's education

Many people are traveling at this time of the year. Even if you are at home all summer, you can act like a tourist for a day or two. Try new restaurants, go to museums. What about going to the botanical gardens, the park or the zoo? Talk or write about what you see. Draw pictures, too. You don't have to be a great speaker, writer, or, artist, yet. Just enjoy the process. Develop ideas. Write a persuasive essay about where you'd like to go, or, a descriptive essay about where you've been. Focus on one aspect, such as science...what scientific things did you learn on your trip? Did you see lichens ( ), for example?

Remember travel, whether local or global, is a great part of education. Vocabulary is developed as you see new things and learn what they are. Traveling across states and or countries contributes to geography knowledge. And, in a car full of people, skills for getting along are developed. "Geography," is a classic car game:

If you are you looking for hotels, motels, resorts, or vacations rentals. Check out this web site. It may have something just for you and the pricing on Hotel Reservations seems competitive, ... Great discounts are available, even for global travel.

Remember the famous back-to-school essay that focuses on your summer vacation...before you go away think up some questions that will give you something interesting to write about. Check out this: ( after you have thought up some of your own ideas. Discuss the similarities and differences with those found here.

Have a great trip. Relax. Eat, sleep and play well. Go back to school rested and full of ideas. Post some of your trip events, drawings, and essays here. I can’t wait to hear of your adventures.

Has anyone else got any tips? Add them to the comments.

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