Thursday, November 29, 2007

Here's a link on the History and Functions of Botanic Gardens

A Kew Gardens Story

A personal story from Dr. J...
I had a pen-pal (translation: pen-friend) back in the day (translation: Once upon a time) before e-mail, Skype, texting, who was from Dagenham. Among other "botany and touristy sites", he took me to Kew Gardens when I was young and we visited all the plants, an activity we both enjoyed immensely. I must admit, at the time I thought it was, "Q," Gardens.

Years later, in my first botany course, I read about Kew Gardens and saw a photo of the gardens in the botany text. I said, "I've been there." I was so excited. I didn't know it was so famous. That visit long ago began my love of Botanical Gardens. On returning to the States, I went to the New York Botanical Garden.

My pen-pal and I still contact each other and are familiar with four generations of family. He has done much conservation in the UK and Africa. He has worked for the British Government Soil Survey.

Here's a video from "Kew that shows more plant kinematics:

Kew Gardens: Mimosa pudica

Mimosa pudica references:
Мимоза стыдливая---

Palicourea riparia references :;2-6

You might also be interested in this article from the New York Times:

Here's an Update on Visitors' Geography

84.06%United StatesUnited States

4.38%United KingdomUnited Kingdom

3.98%Russian FederationRussian Federation





0.40%United Arab EmiratesUnited Arab Emirates


0.40%Iran, Islamic Republic OfIran, Islamic Republic Of


Chelsea Physic Garden---Home of the Original U-tube

Here's another Botanic Garden for the Virtual Tour, and a comment/link (That I think is about it...)
あ、これを撮影したのは Chelsea Physic Garden の近くですが、ロンドンブリッジ近くのテムズ河沿いに、いくつも見られます。" (Source:

What is U-tube? Do you know? Google this: Chelsea Physic Garden U-tube.

So, there's a difference between U-tube and YouTube!

Thanks to Sarah K., who left a comment at the "Montreal Garden Tour," I've added the Chelsea Physic Garden.

Here's more...Singing in the Garden at the Fete (But, there's a tour after this in the video below.:

Here's the walking tour...Don't get dizzy:

Now, here's a hint about the U-tube:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cool: You go to MIT!

Build up your math, science and engineering skills!!!

Can you write a paper on Rosalind Franklin?


Chemist/Biologist (1920 - 1957)

"Rosalind Franklin received her degree in Chemistry in 1951 from Cambridge University. It was while working as a research associate for James Randall at King's College that she was the first to recognize the helix shape of DNA." Source:

Tips on writing a biography can be found at :
  4. There are many other other sites on writing biographies. If you need more, use a search engine and look for, "writing a biography."

Post your biography in the comments if you like if your an adult or if your parent/guardian helps you.

Here's an extra assignment:
Many times, people pick on Wikipedia. Others like it very much. What do you think? How does the information found on Wikipedia about Rosalind Franklin compare and contrast with information on other sites or that you found in books or research papers? Have you read any of Rosalind Franklin's original publications?

Monday, November 26, 2007

College Undergraduate Female Science-Math-Engineering Scholarships...

The Clare Boothe Luce Program -- provides grants for undergraduate scholarships for women studying science, engineering, and mathematics. Colleges are invited to apply for a grant from the program. For a list of institutions receiving Clare Boothe Luce awards, click her linked name.

Science Fair Winners!!!

Here's a quote on science fair winners:

"Erin's project involved testing two water sources along the Appalachian Trail to find how safe they were and whether iodine would get rid of three forms of bacteria in the samples.

"'And I found that the iodine does work,' she said.

"Chris entered a working prototype of a hard-surface "sailing" vehicle he had designed and engineered. He had competed in last year's fair with a scale model.

"The vehicle might be described as a sailboat on wheels using wings instead of sails. Next year, he hopes to be testing the 'land sailer' itself and seeing what wing angle gets the best speed."


Botany...A Global Interest: Countries where Readers are from this week include:

Russian Federation
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States

84.02%United StatesUnited States

4.57%Russian FederationRussian Federation


3.20%United KingdomUnited Kingdom




0.46%United Arab EmiratesUnited Arab Emirates


0.46%Iran, Islamic Republic OfIran, Islamic Republic Of

Welcome, Gutentag, Salaamaleichum, Bonjourno, Farsi Greetings, Russian Greetings, Urdu /Pakistani Greetings, Namaste.

Please add corrections in the comments and I will fix the post.

Thank you for visiting. Please come again.

Meebo, Who?

Do you know about, "Meebo?"

Instant messaging everywhere---

Monday, November 19, 2007

Announcing planned HOT Skills Symposium: ................ Using the HOT Skills Wheel

J. S. Shipman

The HOT Skills Symposium
will focus on
how science
of all levels encourage students
to improve higher order thinking

skills necessary to
good botanical research.

The symposium will include ideas on using HOT skills for closing achievement gaps both between non-scientists and scientists and between intelligent non-achievers and achievers.

Dr. Shipman will present: Using the HOT Skills Wheel to improve Botanical Education and help close the Achievement Gap. Shipman has taught science from K-12 through University and has worked in industry thus brings a broad scope of experience in science education to the symposium. She has modified and developed a tool which was originated by a group of elementary school professionals for lesson planning to include higher order thinking skills in their teaching. Research on the tool, introduced by Dr. Shipman to high school and college students and affectionately known by the students as the, "HOT Skills Wheel," will be presented. Participants are encouraged to bring their own tools and ideas for improving higher order thinking, especially using botanical concepts, together with their written summary of the same, which may be collated into a publication. Five additional participants will present on HOT skills in botanical education. A discussion will follow.

List of speakers: To be determined.
Those interested please contact Dr. Shipman by e-mail ( ASAP (as soon as possible) with
  1. a summary of your ideas,
  2. your professional affiliation and
  3. presentation title.
The Symposium is part of an international science meeting.

Botany/Geography/Research: Highlighting Zaidi!

Mudassir Asrar Zaidi is a botanist in Pakistan. Can you find Pakistan on a map? Click on her name and read about her research.

  • Zaidi has written a book entitled, Fresh water algae from Balochistan, and has organized more than 40 seminars/workshops on biodiversity and plant sciences in Quetta.
  • Zaidi has received three of the world’s most prestigious research fellowships: Fulbright, Commonwealth and Alexander von Humboldt.
  • As a Fulbright Post Doctorate, Zaidi worked with Dr. Sidney Crow at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • At the University of London, the Commonwealth fellowship enabled Dr. Zaidi to work with Dr. Simon Gibbons in the School of Pharmacy.
  • In London, Dr. Zaidi was also honored and elected as a fellow of Linnaean Society of London (FLS).
  • Dr. Zaidi studied indigenous medicinal plants of Pakistan. These plants hold great potential of holding a cure for various diseases.
Dr. Zaidi says, "In my research on medicinal plants, I examine the bioactive plant extracts and purify, isolate and identify the biologically active compounds." Botanists like Zaidi help find new medicines to cure diseases. She has published her research results. Do you know how to use Google Scholar to find her papers?

One potato, two potato...

U.S. Potato Board Announces Grant Program to Promote Healthy School Nutrition Environments...

Apply for a grant for your school's nutrition program...

Potatoes get diseases? Sure they do. You've heard...

...of the Irish Potato Famine. The potato famine was caused by a fungal disease of potatoes. David Spooner is a botanist who works, among other things, on potatoes. Click on his name and read more about this botanist.

Do you eat potatoes? Do you think other plants get diseases? Special botanists, called plant pathologists and geneticists, plant breeders, and biotechnologists work on preventing plant diseases and breeding or creating improved crops, or stopping the spread of plant diseases. Botanists, like David Spooner, help to prevent famines.


Building your educational website?

Looking for a web developer? Click here

Leading Scientists and Educators

Women Scientists in botany, agriculture, biotechnology, and, other areas of science are profiled on this site. Take a look and see what they have done and what they do. You will read many things that you don't find in many science text books.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Resource for Science Fair Ideas...Plant Research (Botany)

Dr-J is involved in "planting science." She knows many of the scientists that are involved. You will have the opportunity to communicate with scientists about your research if you get involved.

Planning a field trip?

Think about a botanical garden for a field trip. Here Dr. Suzanne Kapelari explains critical thinking skills in botany and a new international (Austria, Bulgaria, UK, Italy, and your home, too!!!) project in botany that you can join. Her discussion with Julia Willison encourages pre- and post- processing at school surrounding student field trips to botanic gardens. It brings an international flavor to the discussion of science education and fosters exciting and engaging studies of plants. Also, plant conservation, such as studies of rare plants, preventing plant extinction and other exciting topics.
These scientists think that such deep thinking about plants will "snowball" and multiply the environmental benefits of plant science or "botany."

Resources: for downloadables...

For more information about the University Botanic Garden’s programs, email Suzanne Kapelari or visit the Garden’s website.

For information in the USA, contact Dr. J. S. Shipman

What's a trade show?

A "trade show," is an exhibit hall full of exhibits on various products. Here is a presentation given at a booth at a trade show.
Watch the U-tube video and evaluate it.

Would you like to work at a trade show? Why or why not? Who is sponsoring the information given? Is it biased or is it balanced? What topics were presented? How could you find out more information on the ideas presented? Can you find something related that is presented from another viewpoint? Write an essay about your findings.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Snow's coming....

Snow flurries are expected today and Monday. Do you already find yourself thinking of spring? You might enjoy this video. It is about sunflowers.

Can you write a few paragraphs on spring, seed germination or health benefits of sunflower seeds?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lost data?

Did you ever lose socks in the laundry, or, data from your cell phone or computer? Then, you know the value of backing up your work. You might also enjoy this poem: "Lost in Cyberspace:"

Lost in Cyberspace

The Lost-Sock Virus Mutates, Attacks the Technopopulation

Gone cell phone messages,
Disappearing files,
Scrambled messages

Showing up four days later
If at all.

Lost in cyberspace
Lost with the socks
Lost but not alone.

Socks and electronics,
Charged ions,
Flung to Never-neverland,

Lost in cyberspace,


(c)2007 JSS (Author) Used by TIBU and the Read-about-it blog with permission of the author.


Try to write your own poem about something in science or technology. Feel free to post it in the comments.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Even more virtual botanical tours

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden:

Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden

Vacratot Botanical Garden:

Jasabet's Botanical Garden:

Villa Hanbury Ventimiglia Italy Liguria Botanical Garden:

Jardin Marco Polo:

Jardin des Plantes:


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007


Voting and science do overlap. Want clean air and water? Safe food supply? Peace? Then, vote. Thanks. J

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Visit a botanical garden on line

New York Botanical Garden:

Missouri Botanical Garden

Kyoto Botanical Garden:

EGE University Botanical Garden

Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens:

Brooklyn Botanic Garden: