Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lost data?

Did you ever lose socks in the laundry, or, data from your cell phone or computer? Then, you know the value of backing up your work. You might also enjoy this poem: "Lost in Cyberspace:"

Lost in Cyberspace

The Lost-Sock Virus Mutates, Attacks the Technopopulation

Gone cell phone messages,
Disappearing files,
Scrambled messages

Showing up four days later
If at all.

Lost in cyberspace
Lost with the socks
Lost but not alone.

Socks and electronics,
Charged ions,
Flung to Never-neverland,

Lost in cyberspace,


(c)2007 JSS (Author) Used by TIBU and the Read-about-it blog with permission of the author.


Try to write your own poem about something in science or technology. Feel free to post it in the comments.

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