Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Gone Forest: Art and Sustainability

Mrs. Dodd, wife of the famous algologist, Dr. John Dodd, quietly went over to the trash can at Iowa Lakeside Laboratory and retrieved some watercolor paintings I had tossed in the clean can.  She turned to me and said, "In all the years I've been at Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, I've never seen anyone paint the lab."  She took the paintings, had them framed and put them up to decorate the mess hall at the lab.  When I went to the laboratory last, they were still on the wall.  I feel much more a scientist than an artist, but, it is very nice to be appreciated.   Now, I am using my artwork to support science education and science literacy.  I found that the products can now be available in different countries.

Using an expression I learned in Iowa, I named this acrylic painting, "The Gone Forest."  After the tragic events of 911, many people moved out of New York City into these woods...Now there are human homes here and the deer (as well as bear and other wildlife) are missing the woodlands, thus, the gone forest.

Here are the links and descriptions for the art posted in the Netherlands, for example.  There may be some errors in the Dutch.  If you see any, please correct them. _door_j_s_shipman-115452896327967650

The Gone Forest
Artist/Artiest: J S Shipman (Bewerken)

Sustainability is key. The artist's passion is science literacy and science education leading to global sustainability. For the deer to be there, we need the forest. We cannot be plant-blind. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this product will support such education. (Read more: The Gone Forest. (Photo of acrylic original). Artist/Artiest: J S Shipman (c)2008 J S Shipman. Used with permission.

In other words:
Houdbaarheid is hoofd. De passie van de artiest is wetenschapalfabetisme en wetenschapopvoeding die tot globale houdbaarheid leidt. Voor het hert om daar te zijn, hebben nodig wij het bos. Wij kunnen plant-blinde niet zijn. Een gedeelte van het gaat door van de verkoop van dit product zal zulke opvoeding steunen. (Lezing meer: Het Gegane Bos. (Foto van acryl origineel). Artiest/artistiekerigst: J S Shipman (c)2008 J S Shipman. Gebruikt met toestemming.  Netherlands Store:
Mijn winkel op Zazzle bekijken  Japanese Store French Store  American Store (USA)

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