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Here's a site for people interested in improving science literacy and education, including but not limited to: Parents, science educators, home school teachers, science industries, botanical gardens, museums, and, zoological garden staff. Please feel free to post a comment with ideas or links. Use the search bar at the top left of the blog to find subjects (If you don't find something, please leave a comment.). The left hand column has reference links and the bottom has a survey.
Help Middle Class people Keep from falling into poverty:
Raise money to help pregnant women
Donors Choose ways to help school children
The gods too are fond of a joke.
Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) |
J S.Your key to success in Biology Pre-Med, Nursing, AP, science/math |
Hourly Rate | $46.75 - $55.00 |
Location | Chester, NY 10918 |
More Information | |
About Me | Hi. I have extensive experience in science education and tutoring, a doctorate in a biological field, research that requires advanced knowledge in engineering and biochemistry. My teaching includes courses and laboratories in biology, chemistry, Earth science, genetics, botany, anatomy and physiology and many other subjects on a college level, and also in pre-K-12 science classes, will help you to succeed. At Harvard University, I honed my algebra teaching skills, after getting my doctorate at UNH. That math expertise facilitates math, engineering and advanced science subject learning for my students. I am certified to teach middle school and high school and have taught for (10+ years at those levels. I am willing to tutor in NH, MA, NY, and elsewhere via Skype including students in Africa and Europe. For example, a Hungarian student via Skype got the top score on his exit exam from university.) I present workshops in higher order thinking skills, too, for colleges, schools, parents, families, libraries and home schools. I have taught from pre-Kindergarten through University, and have been successful in industry, so, I can help you fill in gaps in your education. If you need to close the gap because your high school didn't prepare you for college, I can help you do that. I am great with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) topics. I do not do the work for you. I help you know how to learn what you need to know to succeed. The students I've had for biology passed their nursing board exams the first time. (Congratulations to you!) I also help students develop career direction so they can focus their studies better. If you are serious about wanting to learn, I can help you. |
"Karl Landsteiner's work made it possible to determine blood types and thus paved the way for blood transfusions to be carried out safely. For this discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1930."
Source:, Accessed 12/12/08.
"The compartments of the cell, the organelles, are so small that it was impossible to study their structure until the electron microscope became available in 1938. Albert Claude, Christian de Duve and George E. Palade were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1974 for developing methods making it possible to take a closer look at the organelles and for discovering some of them."
Source:, Accessed 12/12/08.
"All organisms consist of cells that multiply through cell division. An adult human being has approximately 100,000 billion cells, all originating from a single cell, the fertilized egg cell. In adults there is also an enormous number of continuously dividing cells replacing those dying. Before a cell can divide it has to grow in size, duplicate its chromosomes and separate the chromosomes for exact distribution between the two daughter cells. These different processes are coordinated in the cell cycle." Source:, Accessed 12,12.08.
"Watson and Crick used stick-and-ball models to test their ideas on the possible structure of DNA. Other scientists used experimental methods instead. Among them were Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins, who were using X-ray diffraction to understand the physical structure of the DNA molecule.
"When you shine X-rays on any kind of crystal – and some biological molecules, such as DNA, can form crystals if treated in certain ways – the invisible rays bounce off the sample. The rays then create complex patterns on photographic film. By looking at the patterns, it is possible to figure out important clues about the structures that make up the crystal."
Source:, Accessed 12/12/08.
"Sound is caused by changes of pressure in the air that is transformed into nerve impulses in the inner ear."
Source: Accessed 12/13/08.
"The electrocardiogram or ECG (sometimes called EKG) is today used worldwide as a relatively simple way of diagnosing heart conditions. An electrocardiogram is a recording of the small electric waves being generated during heart activity."
Source:, Accessed 12/12/08.
"Amino Acids Make Up the Protein
"Proteins can vary in length and size and look very different, but they are all composed of smaller units, i.e. molecules called amino acids. Inside our body there are 20 amino acids all with different chemical and physical properties. In the table below their names and abbreviations can be found.
Name Abbrev. Short Abbrev. alanine Ala A arginine Arg R asparagine Asn N aspartic acid Asp D cysteine Cys C glutamine Gln Q glutamic acid Glu E glycine Gly G histidine His H isoleucine Ile I leucine Leu L lysine Lys K methionine Met M phenylalanine Phe F proline Pro P serine Ser S threonine Thr T tryptophan Trp W tyrosine Tyr Y valine Val V "But how does the organism know how to assemble these proteins compromising of the different amino acids? How can the organism "read" the RNA, the blueprint copy, and how is the information written in the RNA?"
Source:, Accessed 12/15/08.
"Malaria affects huge numbers of people worldwide: up to 300 million clinical cases, mainly children, emerge each year causing 1.5 to 2.7 million deaths."
Source:, Accessed 12-12-08.
"'White rice can be poisonous!' ... Christiaan Eijkman declared in 1896 on his return to the Netherlands, after ten years of research in Batavia, Java in the Dutch East Indies (now Jakarta, Indonesia)."
[Source:, accessed December 12, 2008]
花香-公園中散步的回憶 -踩到釘子的痛。 這些奇妙的感受皆來自於我們腦中三磅重的組織─腦!!
小小神經科學 是針對所有想要瞭解神經系統的學生和老師,所創作設計的網頁。
Neurociências para crianças
O cheiro de uma flor - A lembrança de um passeio no parque - A dor de pisar um prego. Todas estas experiência são possíveis por 1,5 kg de tecido nas nossas cabeças... o CÉREBRO! Neuroscience for Kids foi criado pelo Dr. Eric Chudler para todos os estudantes e professores que queiram aprender mais sobre o sistema nervoso. Neurosciences for Kids Portugal é a versão portuguesa deste site.
Esplora il Sistema Nervoso
Il cervello, il midollo spinale, i neuroni, i sensi...che saranno mai?
A study of mice showed how immune cells sticking to blood vessels in the brain caused inflammation that contributed to epileptic seizures, Gabriela Constantin of the University of Verona in Italy and colleagues reported.
From a jumble of hoofprints, we can accurately tell how many animals passed; the species, sexes, and ages; whether any are lame; how long ago they passes; how far away they are.It is through the lecture, discussion and Sagan book that I came to post on footprints in sand snow and rock. Have you left footprints in the sand at the beach or in the desert? Have walked through snow and made an imprint? Have you seen deer tracks?
Abbreviation | Latin | English/Standard American |
cf. | confer | compare |
e.g. | exempli gratia | for example |
et al. | et alii | and others |
etc. | et cetera | and so forth, and so on |
i.e. | id est | that is, in other words |
N.B. | nota bene | note well |
P.S. | post scriptum | postscript |
N.B. (Note well) Be careful not to confuse "e.g." (for example) with "i.e."(that is, in other words).
Historically, Linnaeus was the person who started us with the Latin genera and species names, reducing confusion and even preventing poisonings. (Click on the links for a pod cast and a word game on Linnaeus.) If you'd like to read more on Linnaeus, try writings by Linnaeus at the Linnaean Correspondence.
Enjoy using Latin in your scientific work. It is one thing that lets us know we are speaking of the same organism despite differences in our languages or differences in local names.
(c)J S Shipman 2008
The abstract continues, "The total cellular content of chlorophyll (Chl) was twice as high in the low light (LL) versus high light (HL) grown cells." Phew, you got some of that! I mean most of us learn the simplified equation of photosynthesis when we are children and we can recognize light, cells, perhaps chlorophyll, and, other words here. We can also get the gist of the article...A ha! We are reading about plant response to light... I mean, there might be more, but, there is something we can get.
Let's try some reach reading and look up some words. Let's see what else we can understand. In this way, reading an article becomes like finding treasure in a computer game. Let's see who can find the most treasure. Try to then use the words to paraphrase what you think the authors are saying.The Survey of the Algae of Zomba Water Bodies: 1990-2000
The Inventory and Conservation of the Flora of Lunyangwa Forest Reserve: 1990-2000
The Biodiversity and Conservation Status of Protected Areas in Malawi: 1992-.
Have you been to Malawi? Share your science stories from Malawi.