Sunday, February 28, 2010
Fire ants and Lizards: Reflection
Can you investigate and find out more about fire ants? About lizards? What type of lizard is that? How can you find out?
Here is a link on Eastern Fence lizards:
Wikipedia link on Western Fence Lizards:
Here is the portal to more information on lizards:,_Animals_&_Other_Organisms/Reptiles/Reptile_Species/Lizards/
These are a good place to start. But, Remember to use your Reach Readtng TM skills to bridge uo to the refereed journal articles. Use HOT skills (higher order thinking skills) to enhance your learning on this (and other) topic(s).
Skittering Lizards and Vocabulary Development
The area was populated by countless tiny lizards that would skitter away when approached.I just loved that sentence. It reminded me of the anoles in Jamaica and Florida.
Here's a link:
Here's a YouTube video on anoles:
Remember, the "Word of the Day," box changes every day.
Look who's citing us now:
That is,
... that sense it is an analog computer, one that can solve a wide range of problems in trigonometry, Greek solar theory, astrology and problems involving time. It was probably developed in ... astrolabe can easily link science to other areas such as literature, religion, mathematics including trigonometry. For example, "The oldest surviving English-language treatise on the astrolabe was written by ...; Accessed 02-28-2010.
Hospital-Acquired Infections Carry Steep Price Tag... Doctors are not exempt from using old-fashioned soap and water to wash their hands.
Feb 26, 2010"In the News," today was about nosocomial infections (hospital acquired infections). As the, "In the News," box changes daily, here is a link to the article on the topic being discussed...
What can a Single Layer of Cells Control?
Feb 25, 2010Here's a quote from: Can a single layer of cells control a leaf's size? The role of epidermal cells in determining leaf size and shape Ever looked carefully at the leaves on a plant...
Students aim for Mars: Miko Teaching a New generation of Space Buffs
Feb 25, 2010Read more here: Christopher Miko is doing a great job creating student interest in science, especially space science. He made some comments on standardized tests, too: Miko...
Attend the Botany Meetings... Help for some undergraduates.
Feb 25, 2010Increasing Diversity at......Meeting Supported in part by the National Science Foundation's Undergraduate Mentoring in Environmental Biology (UMEB) program, the BSA has offered financial and professional assistance for minority undergraduate...
Ten Tips for Science Fairs...AND...Can you volunteer to help with a Science Fair? A new Science Fair Idea!
Feb 25, 2010Does your local school need people to volunteer to help with the science fair? Why not find out. Some school's don't have science fair's because there is only one teacher that is willing to do the work associated with science fair. What can you...
Thank you. You made my day!
Readers interested in trigonometry will be interested in seeing your website:
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAI) Carry Steep Price Tag... Doctors are not exempt from using old-fashioned soap and water to wash their hands.
"In the News," today was about nosocomial infections (hospital acquired infections). As the, "In the News," box changes daily, here is a link to the article on the topic being discussed today:
Approximately 1.7 million healthcare-associated infections are diagnosed every year. In a recent study--the first to investigate the costs associated with this problem--researchers concluded that pneumonia and blood-borne infections caught in hospitals killed 48,000 patients in the US and cost $8.1 billion in 2006. Patients who developed sepsis, a bacterial infection in the bloodstream, after surgery had to stay in the hospital an average of 11 days extra, at a cost of $32,900 per patient, while pneumonia patients stayed an extra 14 days after surgery, at a cost of $46,400. More ... DiscussAgain, the, "In the News," story changes with the day, so I linked it and put the quote.
Why do so many people in top positions fail to follow the ethical rules that they promote? New research suggests that power makes people more strict about other people's actions, but less strict about their own.Source:; Accessed 2-27-2010.
Did I sound like I was picking on doctors in the title, "Hospital-Acquired Infections Carry Steep Price Tag... Doctors are not exempt from using old-fashioned soap and water to wash their hands?" Well, everyone has to wash his or her hands, but I noticed in my own mini (informal) study, that the food service and maintenance employees at three hospitals washed their hands much more than the nurses and doctors at those hospitals. They had recently had a training on preventing the spread of disease and appeared to retain and apply the information they had learned. (Do you doubt the results of my own informal hand-washing study? Good! I want to get you to take action. Do your own study. I hope that will show improvement.) The nurses I watched used the push-button cleaner and frequentlyskipped the soap-and-water hand-washing. Only one doctor in a two week period at the three hospitals (when being observed), washed his hands. That's why the title. But the message is for all (Whether one is a student, a doctor, a nurse, a maintenance person, a food preparer, a visitor, or, anyone...), whatever else you do:
Wash your hands with soap and water.Here's a quote from the above-referenced article that indicates we all need to be vigilant:
Measures to prevent infection are simple and include careful handwashing, hygiene and screening patients when they check in. However, these measures are difficult to enforce, many studies have found.
In other words, you and I play a role in stopping the spread of hospital-acquired infections and super-germs.
To begin with, wash your hands with soap and water. Use the foamy cleaners, too. Those are push-button easy, but, they don't kill everything. Why?
quote goes here, too
5 miscarriages from a hospital-acquired mycoplasma
Near death from VRE
Fortunately, everyone in my family recovered (with the exception of the mycoplasma-related miscarried babies). But, that was with vigilance: yogurt with Lactobacillus rhamnosus (2T every hour...) (Required legal statement: This post and no part of this entire blog is meant to cure or prevent any disease. Topics discussed here are not any kind of advice. Follow the advice of your trained medical doctor. I am not a medical doctor.) Also, we used a plant which I believe stopped internal bleeding. (Again, not medical advice, not meant to cure or prevent diseases). Did you know that having a do-not-resuscitate order is a risk factor for some hospital acquired infections. I read that in a refereed journal article about 2 years ago. I do not have the reference now, but, if I locate it, I will post it.
You might think there is a, "bad hospital," near me, however, these nosocomial infections are found in hospitals around the world. We need to solve this world-wide problem, so, what else can you do?
This is just my opinion about what I'd do for myself:
- Take all prescription antibiotics till the end and get tested to make sure your infection is gone.
- Use regular, old-fashioned soap and water (not the newer, "antibacterial," soaps and detergents.
- Sleep well.
- Eat healthily ( know...all the things your mother (and father) told you...).
"Eat your vegetables."
- Exercise
- Stay home if sick and get well.
Under development...More to come.
Further reading: (Sounds like advertising, but, makes some good points.)
What can a Single Layer of Cells Control?
Can a single layerSource:; Accessed 2-25-2010. Read More. Click here. (Emphasis in green is Dr. J's.)
of cells control
a leaf's size?
The role of epidermal cells in determining leaf size and shape
Ever looked carefully at the leaves on a plant and noticed their various sizes and shapes? Why are they different? What controls the size and shape of each individual leaf? Very little is known about the developmental control of leaf size and shape, and understanding the mechanisms behind this is a major issue in plant biology.
Contact: Richard Hund 314-577-9557
American Journal of Botany
and Click here for more information.
Let's say that the title caught your eye and you start to wonder about leaf development. How could you learn more? Use the, "Reach ReadingTM," skills that you have developed, and, tell me the next step:
Did you say, "Read the inked article, jot down new vocabulary, look-up the definitions, then search for related articles...," or , something similar?
Students aim for Mars: Miko Teaching a New generation of Space Buffs
Christopher Miko is doing a great job creating student interest in science, especially space science.
He made some comments on standardized tests, too:
Miko said he is currently rewriting his curriculum to focus less on acing standardized tests. Here's what the above-referenced article stated:
“I don’t feel the way I’m required to teach in the classroom is the best way to be teaching. It’s so standardized test-oriented,” he said.
While the Manhattan Beach Unified School District is the fifth-highest performing district in the state, it doesn’t mean students understand the information, he said.
“They may have memorized those facts for those tests but they don’t really get it … the depth of information.”, Accessed 2-24-2010.
It is true that higher order thinking skills (HOT skills) are needed to, "know," any subject, but, standardized tests do get a bad rap quite often. These standardized tests cover just the starting material. Students should not be afraid of them. We should not contribute to fear of test-taking.
That being said, the 4-H concept of, "Learn by doing," is a wonderful concept to apply to science. I believe that is what Miko's teaching and comments show.
As for his students, carry on. Keep up the good work. Think deeply. Try using HOT skills.
More discussion on Literacy and Tests
- (Please feel free to post in the comments below any related items you have found . Click on the words, "Post a comment." Add your thoughts and ideas on the topics, too.)
Attend the Botany Meetings... Help for some undergraduates.
Increasing Diversity at... [the Annual Botanical Society of America (BSA) ]...Meeting
Supported in part by the National Science Foundation's Undergraduate Mentoring in Environmental Biology (UMEB) program, the BSA has offered financial and professional assistance for minority undergraduate students.
Source: at---->; Accessed 2-25, 2010
Ten Tips for Science Fairs...AND...Can you volunteer to help with a Science Fair? A new Science Fair Idea!
Are you a scientist? An artist? You can mentor a student.
A parent? Encourage your child to build on what he or she already knows.
A nurse or doctor? Could you explain aseptic technique to a class?
A detective? You might explain the process of elimination when looking at forensic clues.
Are you a chef? Explain how an understanding of microbiology is important to food safety in the kitchen and throughout a restaurant.
1. Children are naturally curious and make great, "scientists."
2. Follow all safety rules.
3. The student should keep a log book.
4. Does the student understand the value of a, "control," in a science experiment?
5. Scientists build on the work of others before them. Remember to fully cite all sources used. There are style manuals that help the student with citations. You might want to help if the student hasn't been exposed to the concept of citing works of others.
6. Even blogs and websites need to be cited. Where did the information come from?
7. Even grade school children can be exposed to refereed journal articles. The top winners usually use them.
8. Explore, but have fun, too.
9. Start early. Experiments typically take time.
10. The BSA website has lots of great ideas.
Visiting Mr Romard's Class...
We will play a mystery circuit game to determine how wires are setup behind a hidden display. We will learn how to read simple electrical diagrams and how to make a bulb super bright. Students will be asked to bring a used bulb from home so we can break it inside a bag to identify the parts and discuss how it works.
Read more here:
Social Bookmarking Links help spread the Word about Science Education and Science Literacy. What are these Links?
Share, "Read about it: International Science Literacy and Education "
Though its use is increasingly frequent, I believe social bookmarking is still a mystery for many. I have elected to include a link to an article that explains the phenomenon that is, "social bookmarking." Here it is:
Included in the article are the following links and additional information on social bookmarking:
Wikipedia article on social
To register, go to:
To register, go to:
To register, go to:
To register, go to:
To register, go to:
Note that clicking the share button in the left-hand column brings you even more social bookmarking links.
More Science Literacy...New Links:
Atlas of Science Literacy: American Association for the ... Atlas of Science Literacy (ISBN: 0871686686 ) |
AAAS - Project 2061 - Using "Atlas of Science Literacy" Workshops ... |
Seeds of Science/Roots of Reading - Integrated Science and ... “ |
News :: Vanderbilt Center for Science Outreach » Blog Archive ... By Jeannie Tuschl News :: Vanderbilt Center for... - |
» Electrifying Science Mr. Romard's 4th grade Blog By mromard Mr. Romard's 4th grade Blog - | is a Developing Online Resource for Interactive ... Nblak Studios - |
No Dick and Jane in today's classrooms | Cape Fear Newspapers, Inc. By Mike Staton Cape Fear Newspapers, Inc. - Students did more guided reading, more independent |
Language-in-Education Policy Making in the Philippine ... By joepadre Multilingual Education/Philippines - |
There is a need for Congress to formulate a 21st Century
Philippine language-in-education policy that elicits the
best educational outcome for Filipinos to become
life-long learners and
critical thinkers who can collaborate with one
another to address the problems of national development.
(Again, the emphasis is Dr. J's.)
Here's another quote from the same article:
Our present language policy is flawed as it rejects the use in school of the first language of children which is a chronic source of weakness plaguing Philippine Education. Students fail to understand their teacher and their school lesson because the language in school is one they can hardly speak or understand.
Perhaps areas where there are many immigrants, Boston, for example, could take notice of schools in the Philipines where they speak 170 languages. ("The Philippines is a multilingual nation with more than 170 languages. "_)
Source:; Accessed 2-25-2010.
Think about Web Archiving : Leaving an Historical Record.
I got a taste of that potential loss when decided to shut down. Suddenly thousands of posts were no longer accessible. The Web community who frequented this writing site was suddenly and abruptly dispersed with little organization about how to re-connect. Some of the developing authors have re-grouped, however, the "archive," of their previous works is not available. Try it: I know is a science literacy and science education website, however, loss of web archives would affect all of us, in every field.
Take a look at this article from the UK. Investigate what is going on in your nation. Talk up this idea, and take action to encourage web archiving. Sometimes news makes us remember how much information is available already (think of any recent scandal involving text messaging, e-mails, and other technology driven connections), yet, losing the vast "thinking and thought sharing," that occurs on the web would be a loss for future generations...though it is hard to imagine how they would have time to read it all. Think of that...web historians. Hmm! Meanwhile, enjoy the linked article (before it disappears.)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Join this discussion on science textbooks...
A Textbook Example of What's Wrong with Education
by Tamim Ansary
Then, tell me what is right! How do you learn well? How about your students? What teaching/learning methods work for them? What do you like in the texts?
Add a comment below.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Functions---FUNCIÓN DE LA FUNCIÓN---Reach Reading™
Source:; Accessed 2-19-0=2010.
1. Identificación de la función.
2. ¿Por qué la función es improbable sin estructura?
3. Estructura que neutralice la improbabilidad.
4. la estructura hace probable, y no necesario, el cumplimiento de la función.
Sometimes Reach Reading™ requires a researcher to look at articles in other languages than he or she knows. Hmmm! That won't stop someone who wants to know something, He or she will, "Reach!"
Then, a translation tool, for example, might be useful and we can look at more of the web page, too:
Class 28
9 noviembre 2009
November 9, 2009
Por Sebastián Jara L.
By Sebastian Jara L.
Concepto Jurídico no es Estructural.
Legal Concept is not structural.
Tiene una explicación funcional (en definitiva) y nominal.
It has a functional explanation (ultimately) and nominal.
Esto se hace evidente al analizar al Derecho Penal.
This becomes evident when analyzing the Criminal Law.
Ergo, la pena, y al diferenciarla del tributo.
Ergo, grief, and differentiate the tax.
El tributo se diferencia de la multa en su función.
The tribute to the fine difference in function.
La pena tiene carácter de reproche.
The penalty is a matter of reproach.
Según Moore la pena infringe reproche por conductas que van en contra de principios morales verdaderos.
According to Moore's sentence for conduct that violates reproach go against moral principles true.....
1. Identificación de la función.
Identification of the function.
2. ¿Por qué la función es improbable sin estructura?
Why the function is unlikely without structure?
3. Estructura que neutralice la improbabilidad.
Structure to neutralize the improbability.
4. la estructura hace probable, y no necesario, el cumplimiento de la función.
structure makes it likely, and not to the fulfillment of the function.
. 1 Identificación de la función. تحديد وظيفة.
. 2 ¿Por qué la función es improbable sin estructura? لماذا وظيفة من غير المرجح بدون الهيكل؟
. 3 Estructura que neutralice la improbabilidad. هيكل لتحييد الاحتمال.
. 4la estructura hace probable, y no necesario, el cumplimiento de la función. هيكل يجعل من المحتمل ، وعدم وفاء للمهمة.
1. Identificación de la función. Identifikasie van die funksie.
2. ¿Por qué la función es improbable sin estructura?
Waarom die funksie wat dit onwaarskynlik is sonder struktuur?
3. Estructura que neutralice la improbabilidad.
Struktuur te neutraliseer die onwaarschijnlijk.
4. la estructura hace probable, y no necesario, el cumplimiento de la función.
struktuur maak dit waarskynlik is, en nie aan die vervulling van die funksie.
If we see then that the article is not what we wanted, though it is an interesting article on legal concept of function/role, then we can continue our search on functions of a mathematical nature.
How about this one?
The arithmetic-geometric mean appeared in the works of J. Landen (1771, 1775) and J.‐L. Lagrange (1784-1785) who defined it through the following quite‐natural limit procedure:
C. F. Gauss (1791–1799, 1800, 1876) continued to research this limit and in 1800 derived its representation through the hypergeometric function.
If you are like many readers, you say, "Whoa!" as soon as you reach the equations. Slow down. Don't panic. In fact, perhaps, "whoa," is the right word. Take your time.
Compare this reading to a video game. It wouldn't be fun if you knew where all the treasures are. The fun is in the challenge. Before you get into decoding the equations and math jargon, check if the article is on what you want to learn, Then, slow down and have fun with it. You'll soon come up to speed.
Try another source:
In mathematics, the arithmetic-geometric mean (AGM) of two positive real numbers x and y is defined as follows:Does this second source help you understand better?
First compute the arithmetic mean of x and y and call it a1. Next compute the geometric mean of x and y and call it g1; this is the square root of the product xy:
Then iterate this operation with a1 taking the place of x and g1 taking the place of y. In this way, two sequences (an) and (gn) are defined:
These two sequences converge to the same number, which is the arithmetic-geometric mean of x and y; it is denoted by M(x, y), or sometimes by agm(x, y).
This can be used for algorithmic purposes as in the AGM method.
Source:; Accessed 2-19-2010.
Sources:; Accessed 2-19-2010.
More tools:
(c)2010 J S Shipman
Oxytocin May Alleviate Autism Symptoms
In the news:
Oxytocin May Alleviate Autism Symptoms
Oxytocin, a hormone believed to foster bonding between mothers and their babies, may also promote social behavior in adults with autism. People with autism often have severe deficits in social interaction and have also been shown to have low oxytocin levels. In a recent study, researchers found that adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders who inhaled oxytocin were more likely to make eye contact when viewing pictures of faces and reported feeling connected to people who were nice to them while playing a game.
Science in the news provides an opportunity to learn more...Google it[] and find, for example:
Are repetitive behaviors of patients with autistic disorders, stereotypies or …
S Levallois, J Béraud, I Jalenques - Annales médico-psychologiques, 2007 - Elsevier
... [7] E. Hollander, S. Novotny and M. Hanratty et al., Oxytocin infusion reduces repetitive behaviors
in adults with autistic and Asperger's disorders, Neuropsychopharmacology 28 (2003) (1), pp.
193–198. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (79). ...
The place of psychotropic drugs in the treatment of autism of children and …
JL Goëb, MC Mouren - Annales médico-psychologiques, 2005 - Elsevier
... SAS All rights reserved. Formation continue. Place des traitements psychotropes
dans l'autisme de l'enfant et de l'adolescent. The place of psychotropic drugs in
the treatment of autism of children and adolescents. J.-L. Goëb ...
[PDF] Aspectos clínicos, biológicos y neuropsicológicos del trastorno autista: hacia … [PDF]
SH Cukier - Vertex, 2005 -
... New York, ed Plenum Press, 1994 44. Panksepp J. Commentary on the possible role of oxytocin
in autism. J Autism Dev Disord. ... Brain Effects of Chronic IBD in Areas Ab- normal in Autism and
Treatment by Single Neuropeptides Secretin and Oxytocin. J Mol Neurosci. ...
[PDF] 자폐증 치료의 개요및 동향 [PDF]
... Cylert), Neuropeptide계 (Naltrexone, ACTH analog, Oxytocin), Appopterin Hydrocholride, Lithium
carbonate, Sedatives, Anticonvulsants, Atypical neuroleptics (Risperidone, Olanzapine, Clozapine)
등이 있다. 2) Antidepressant Medications Used to Treat Autism ...
Remember when reading journal articles, nearly every word can be a mouthful. Reach Reading <^u>TM<^u> can be a great help.
Join autism research by checking this link. Click here.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Link to recent pictures:Fairchild Gardens, Key Deer, Everglades, Alligators
32 More scholarships to try...Not grade dependent
Note: 32 scholarships are listed. The link above tels more but below you'll get a quick synopsis and find a few key words to peak your interest. If any readers have gotten any of these scholarships before or have more details to offer, please leave (a) comment(s). If any word gets you interested, try for the scholarship after evaluating if you feel it is safe and appropriate. (Young people need to check with their parents or other care givers.).
I can not verify how any of these scholarships work, so use them at your own risk. I like that they include scholarships where you can write essays because I like to write! But, the "tallness factor" is great, too. Are you a lefty? Good news.
1. Duck to enter doorways? ---you might qualify male 6′2″ or taller --- female 5′10″ or taller--- Tall Clubs International Scholarship. --- write a simple essay ---“What Being Tall Means to Me,” --- $1,000.
2. Left handed?--- get a scholarship--- Juniata College (Huntingdon, PA) --- try to get up to $1,000 --- Call 814-641-3142 for details --- Frederick and Mary F. Beckley Scholarship.
3. Call ducks? Try for the Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest.--- high school senior in the USA ---adept at calling ducks. $1,500 scholarship or $500 or $300 or $200. Call for details 870-673-1602 or visit the web site.
4. The Fragrance Research Fund ---scholarship of up to $50,000 --- to clinical psychologists --- post-graduate --- aromachology---Fragrance Research Fund - 145 East 32nd St., New York, N.Y. 10016-6002.
5. Excel in academics, athletics, leadership, and community services while sporting a milk mustache --- Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year (SAMMY) Award.
6. Skateboard---spell--- scholarship --- The Patrick Kerr Skateboard Scholarship GPA (above 2.5), --- $5,000 scholarship --- three $1,000
7. Ever watch Letterman late at night? Ball State University (located in Muncie, IN) --- David Letterman Telecommunications Scholarship ---Telecommunication students $10,000 courtesy of the university’s very famous alumnus --- no minimum GPA requirement---outstanding creativity.
8. Last name Van Valkenburg, or a slight variation? --- Van Valkenburg Memorial Scholarship, which offers $1,000, --- not restricted to a specific university.
9. Fries with that? Potatoes? Potato Industry Scholarship --- up to $2,000 two senior graduate students --- field of study related to potatoes.
10. The NCTA Help Santa Find the Perfect Real Christmas Tree scholarship between $5,000 to $10,000 --- ages 6 to 16 --- for the winning essay. ( Hmmm: I wonder if you can try it every year from age 6 up...)
11. $250 via the FBI Common Knowledge Challenge. high school students ---quiz contest.
12. Excellence in Predicting the Future Award --- scholarship to encourage students to pursue economics---prediction market.
13. Prom profitable? --- The Duck Brand Duct Tape Stuck on Prom Contest --- $6,000 scholarship --- to the winning couple --- best duct-tape prom outfits made by prom goer couple --- large selection of tape
14.Short? The Billy Barty Foundation --- scholarships --- short in stature. One needs to be shorter than 4′10″ --- medical form as proof of dwarfism --- Call (818) 953-5410 for details
15. Apple Pie --- Culinary Institute of America’s All-American Apple Pie Recipe Contest.$25,000 or $15,000 or $10,000 to top three --- Call 1-800-CULINARY for details.
16. Good at welding? --- welding scholarships--- The American Welding Society Scholarships --- for learning soldering, brazing, joining, and thermal spraying.
17. Can you write or draw? --- The Writers and Illustrators of the Future Contest --- student authors and illustrators --- genre of Science Fiction --- great for Sci-Fi fans.
18. Have you promoted vegetarianism in your schools and/or their community? Check out the Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarship. Up to $10,000.
19. Favorite fabric wool? --- scholarship via the National Make It Yourself with Wool Competition 100% wool (or 60% wool blend) --- create outfit.
20. Like reading The Fountainhead, or, other books by Ayn Rand? --- write an essay --- The Ayn Rand Institute --- write the best essay concerning the novel --- top essay--- $10,000.
21. Ever use or hear of a Gatling gun? --- Last name happens to be Gatling or Gatlin--- John Gatling Scholarship. --- North Carolina State University: Call the Department of Scholarships and Financial Aid at (919) 515-2421 for details.
22. Any Star Trek fan --- scholarship --- The Klingon Language Institute $500 --- student --- in the field of language study.
23. Sweet tooth? Money for college. The American Association of Candy Technologists (AACT)---total of $10,000--- high school --- interested in confectionary technology.
24. The truth is out there, and the truth is, that the Parapsychology Foundation offers --- parapsychology. ---not an x-files fans? --- parapsychology is the scientific study of paranormal activity.
25. The Society of Performers, Artists, Athletes, and Celebrities for Space Exploration, Inc. (SPAACSE) --- Three $1,000 scholarships --- high school seniors --- composing essays about space travel.
26. Planning on lofting your bed in college? The OP Loftbed Scholarship is a $500 scholarship
27. Football players tease you for being in the band? The School Band and Orchestra Magazine Scholarship gives scholarships to musicians who have written great essays --- a variety of topics, for example, “How a Music Education has made me a Better Student.”
28.The Scholarships $300 dollars--- write the best essay.
29. The Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Award 500 four-year scholarships--- between $1,000 and $15,000.
30. The Calgon Take Me Away to College Contest answer two short essay questions---female applicants.
31. Tylenol Scholarship Try it.
32. The Discover Card Tribute Award 2.75 GPA--- leadership within your community---had significant roadblock or challenge.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
NBII Biology Portal
National Biological Information Infrastructure at a Glance
The National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) is a broad, collaborative program to provide increased access to data and information on the nation's biological resources. The NBII links diverse, high-quality biological databases, information products, and analytical tools maintained by NBII partners and other contributors in government agencies, academic institutions, non-government organizations, and private industry.Source:; Accessed February 16, 2010.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
King Tut on Science in the News...
Linked below:
Capture your students' interest(s) by using current events in science. For example, King Tut's DNA:
New Test for Concussions 2-21-2010
Linked below:
Napping may boost learning 2-23-2010
Linked below:
Glimpses from Fairchild Tropical Gardens

Thank you, Stephen, for a wonderful walking tour!
(c) 2010 J S Shipman. All rights reserved.
Copyright information at the bottom of the blog applies to the posts.