Friday, March 13, 2020

Did they have to cancel all the sports to give us the play-by-olay on the Corona Virus?

I didn't think I would miss sports so much. I mean you can't help liking them if you are in Boston, or, New York, or Kansas or Texas, or wherever your favorite team(s) are.

But, the play-by-play on the Corona virus is surely panicking people more than need be.

We need to learn more science as a nation to not panick.


This hand-washing action alone will help reduce disease. More on that has been posted other places in the blog (  &

We do need more science applied. For example, when you have some unknown condition, do not bring it into airports all over the country...California, Texas, New York, Stewart...  Keep that unknown in one place until you know what it is.

And using a quarantine is not treating people like lepers. Quarantine is used to prevent spread of disease. But quarantine the ill and those they have seen until we get a handle on controlling the disease., Don't lock down whole cities Too many people will go out of business while other people may be able to gain control of so much more.

Let's look at a few videos on the Corona virus, Watch them and reflect on them. Use these videos to bounce increase your microbiology and virology knowledge base, Expand from there.

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know I am about getting you to think more deeply about science topics and to be able to formulate opinions and decisions based on data and research.  This post is no different.  Watch the vidos, jot down your ideas. Post your comments and questions. Have fun. and, oh, yes... Wash your hands with soap and water while singing your favorite song twice, (If you don't have a favorite song, use happy birthday.)
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Note: I added a Reddit link as well for you to peruse the global news on Covid-19 rapidly:

Watch. Read. Share your ideas. Ask questions. Join a discussion.

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