Monday, September 29, 2008

4-H National Youth Science Day

"On October 8, 2008 the 4-H Youth Development Program is launching the first annual 4-H National Youth Science Day to help build America's future science, engineering, and technology workforce."

Click here to learn more (This is the old link. new one below).

Movie clip 2008

2009 Link: National Youth Science Day

4-H Reveals National Science Experiment
to be Featured [during]
Upcoming 4-H National Youth Science Day

"Chevy Chase, Md. (September 8, 2008) –
National 4-H Council today announced details of the first-ever National Science Experiment (NSE), the designated science activity of 4-H National Youth Science Day (4-H NYSD) to be held October 8, 2008.

The National Science Experiment will focus on the environment and will use science principles to teach youth across the country about the importance of water conservation.

Science education expert Steve Spangler worked closely with 4-H and
Dr. Bob Horton, 4-H science education specialist for The Ohio State University Extension, to create the NSE and related activities, which will be made available to the 6 million 4-H youth plus parents, teachers, students, and youth organizations nationwide.

# # #
For more information, please contact:
Karyn Barr

Allyson McMahan

Allison & Partners National 4-H Council

My Father planted a Forest

My Father planted a Forest
When my father was young, 4-H friends of his got several young trees (He recalls, "one or two thousand...") to plant.
They were twig-like. At first they dug very slowly and tucked each tree into the ground gingerly. But, they had only one day to plant the trees. The boys that signed-up for the tree project didn't get very far, so the 4-H leader got my dad and some other 4-Hers involved. Someone came up with the idea of using a broad pick-axe to dig one hole after another and then a kind of assembly line planting occurred....Dig, lift, put in the twig, stomp the ground on top, repeat. Today, there stands a magnificent forest in Hamptonburgh, New York (Near Campbell Hall...) that is a result of this 4-H project. I think we will go and look at the forest again soon.

You, too, can save the environment and plant a forest...
Join 4-H or be a 4-H leader. 4-H is a national organization that works with similar groups in other countries. Originally 4-H was mostly farm youth, but now it has membership encompassing farm, sub-urban, and urban youth, too. There are many projects on computers, science, engineering, nutrition, home economics, wood-working, environment, and more. 4-H is well worth checking out.

I came across the following video and it reminded me of the above story and of my own adventures in 4-H. The video is more, "art," than, "science," yet, it triggered me to write this post. I hope the post encourages you to plant or care for a forest.

Palms from Seeds and Germination Stories

Highlighting germination and growth of palms, this video shows some parts of the generalized plant life cycle. It might serve as a useful introduction to plant life cycles, or, labs where you are germinating seeds. It does bring to mind the economic value of plants, too, so you might inspire some entrepreneurs among your students.

Here is another video on seed germination.


And, here's a link to a story by Teresa Guardiola:

See if you can create your own video on plant life cycles, including seed germination.

Convection, Conduction, and, Radiation draws most interest.

I have found that the blog post on convection, conduction and radiation often draws the most global interest. I have not received feedback other than the numbers of people around the world going to that post.

I would be very happy if some of the people visiting that post would leave a comment. That can be done by clicking the comment link under the post. This alerts me by sending me an e-mail and then, I can go to the post and read the comment.

Thank you for your interest. Please share this blog with people you know.

Thanks, again.

Dr. J

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cartoons and Music: Planning Winter Science Lessons?

If you think science in December is difficult, you might enjoy this cartoon, which mentions December, and brings some vocabulary to the viewers' attention. While it needs more, "science," to make the lesson, it is an interesting way to start a class learning about plant structure and photosynthesis.

Where will you go from here? What lesson ideas did the cartoon give you?

Search You-tube for another video with, "Photosynthesis," as the theme. There are several available. For example:
(Source:, TakTakTinnna: Mr. Durand singing the photosynthesis song, accessed 9-29-08),
or, here is a photosynthesis rapp created by students. (Source:, Boris, Anthony, and, Brandon, with Gino as, "the beat", teach photosynthesis in Ms. Stokes' Bio, accessed 9-29-08)

another rap found here, by more students, "ingoldby and sherry."

You can see all the students are still learning. Look how far Boris, Anthony, Brandon, Gino, Ingoldby, and, Sherry have come already. It takes a lot of courage to get up in front of the class to talk about photosynthesis, let alone, rap. Can you provide a beat like that and rap? Congratulations, gentlemen. When your CDs come out, let us know!

You can also develop your own song. You might be able to use National Institute of Environmental Health music links to help you develop your own photosynthesis songs.

Students might write an essay or draw a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the animated cartoon with a video on photosynthesis that you find or create. Be sure to help students learn to check for technical accuracy. For example, if plants are thought to be a separate group from trees, that is not accurate. Students can understand that there are herbaceous plants, or, "herbs," and woody plants, or, "trees." Both herbs and trees are plants that photosynthesize.

Any time students read material, watch TV, or scan the internet, they need to think deeply about what information they gain, and assess if the material presented is accurate. Studying photosynthesis is no different. Have fun as you study plants.

Dr. J

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sometimes we use math!!!

I thought you would enjoy this math video. It is well done and the lyrics are available. It is an excellent example of putting math standards into an audible form, very artistic. Smile.

Congratulations, Drew D'Amelia!

It is a wonderful example. Can you do a creative video on science standards that you are studying? Just trying will help to expand your mental brain capabilities. Whole brain development is encouraged by such creativity. Enjoy and share your results.

Dr. J

Monday, September 22, 2008

Evaluate---> Create

Here's a post on teaching higher order thinking skills:

Use it and use the HOT Skills wheel as you read it. Use your background knowledge and your value system to evaluate what it says. You can do the entire post, or, just a paragraph. But, try to probe deeply into the ideas presented. Relate them to teaching/learning science.

Next, create something out of that reading and evaluation. Perhaps a video or a paper expressing key ideas and how you can use them to solve the, "No Child Left Behind," riddle. (Because as the NCLB stands, too many children are being left behind.) Or perhaps, you can create a painting or a ballet to convey a suggestion for public policy related to science education. Or, maybe, you have come up with a great lesson plan idea and you want to prepare a dynamic class for next week's science lesson.

Here are some ideas from the HOT Skills link above written earlier in this blog. You can use these ideas together with what you already know to help you evaluate the Chapman post and then create or synthesize your new ideas or ways of presenting based on what you read. What will you create?
Analysis: Do you see patterns? How are parts organized? Do you recognize any hidden meanings? Can you identify components?

Application: You can apply the data when you use information, methods, concepts,and theories in new situations. Solving problems by using required skills or knowledge is also, "application." For example, did you apply math skills that you already have to analyze the data.

Synthesis: Can you generalize from given facts, relate knowledge from several areas, predict, draw conclusions and use old ideas to create new ones? assess value of theories, make choices based on reasoned arguments, verify value of evidence, recognize subjectivity, compare and discriminate between/among ideas.

Remember to step through the thinking processes and be sure to use, "evaluation," and "creation." Have fun thinking deeply and being creative, too.

More Higher Order Thinking Links

  1. Dan Montano added "higher-order-thinking" to Wiki

  2. Visit Gifted Education 2.0
  3. Graphic Organizers---Video Welcome to Teachers At Risk
Elona Hartjes

(Click the "Graphic Organizers" link above, scroll down to the green video box, just above "Crowd") By the way, you may find the rest of the Elona Hartjes' Teachers at Risk page has useful information, too.
  1. A video resource: Animoto Future link
  2. Use "rich media" to engage and evaluate students' higher-order thinking
  3. Andrew Churches: Digital World meets Higher Order Thinking
  4. Higher Order Thinking Workshop a Success2008년 7월 28일 Dr-J이(가) 작성
  5. Higher Order Thinking and Multiple Intelligences
The higher order thinking skills lead to students becoming good global citizens. No matter what country someone is from, he or she can look at data, and using his or her background knowledge, family's value system, and world view, evaluate the data and make informed judgments. It is likely if we all increase our higher order thinking processes we can contribute to World peace. Higher order thinking can lead to sustainability and to solving or lessening problems such as hunger, global warming, energy usage.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Solar power leads to sustainability... What do you think?

Watch this video and think about it. Compare and contrast your life to what you see in this video. Evaluate it based on what you know of science of solar power and on your own value system. Try writing about it. Do you know of other ways to use science to improve sustainability of the Earth and concurrently end poverty? Does charity overlap with science? Reflection using your science skills helps make informed decisions...

I have added another video that I found later:

Ant Lab

Here's the ant lab at the University of Bristol:

See also: posted below.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Try, "Evaluation."

When you hear or read or see something, can you evaluate it? Can you tell if there is a bias or are ideas presented neutrally? Can you tell if the ideas presented are supported? Can you rank the value of the ideas presented according to your own value system?

Try using evaluation skills and other H.O.T. Skills (Higher order thinking skills) as you review the following site. Write what you have decided. Then, develop the higher order thinking skills you've used so you can use these skills any time.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How do you get to Primary Sources from Secondary Sources?

Here is a secondary source article on ants (Click the words).

How would you find primary source articles on the same ants?

Here is an example of
a primary source article
that came up when searching in PNAS for
ants. It is not on Martialis heureka,
and, not by Christian Rabeling:
Still, it might provide some clues.

The secondary source cited PNAS...Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, so let's look there:
But, we have to go find a library that has this or purchase it to find out if it talks about the new species. It is like detective work.

A ha! Information on, "the 'ant from Mars' single specimen discovered in the Brazilian rainforest represents a sister lineage to all other ants... ARTICLE #08-06187: 'Newly discovered sister lineage sheds light on early ant evolution,' by Christian Rabeling ( (Source:, 9-19-08)), Jeremy M. Brown, and Manfred Verhaagh." Let's try to find that! Here we go...Here's the link to the abstract: Remember, when looking at a primary source article like this one, to use "reach reading" (trademark, jsshipman). You may have to look up a lot of new vocabulary. But, remember after reading 4 or 5 articles on the same topic, you'll likely learn all that vocabulary and be well on your way to becoming an expert. At the elementary school level, just getting the gist of an article and knowing that such primary sources do exist is the idea. (You might do an activity like circling or listing all the words you don't know...Remember not to write in books or journals unless you personally own them, however.) Don't get frustrated. Remember, just finding such articles and knowing they exist is great at this level. People who win the science fairs on the national level usually use these types of articles even in grades 1-6. On the high school level and junior college level, do try to paraphrase the gist of the article. (Knowing how to do this may come in handy during your life time, in case someone gets sick and you want to look up current research to discuss with your doctor, for example.) Upper class members and graduate students can remember that this is college level reading...and, it takes time to become familiar with such reading, even at these higher education levels. But, you should slug through articles in your research area, until you comprehend them. You might have to stay on the same paragraph for three days, or more, to do that. (Again, don't get frustrated nor discouraged.)

Could you also find primary source articles on the plants used as food, or habitat, or in the environment of these ants? Oh, another detective task! Let's see... First go back to the article and see if any plants are mentioned.
Try your hand at this and I will get back later on and update the post.

I don't know if you checked or not, but, you've had some time to look. When I looked, I didn't find anything there except, "plants of the Amazon rain forest," so I went to the primary source abstract. No plants were listed there, either, but, I found the words, "hypogaeic foragers."
Those "Reach Reading" words might help us. For example, knowing the meaning of common prefixes, roots, and suffixes will boost your chances of understanding new words. That is, we can guess from word parts:
Hypo...low, below
Gaeic... Earth, earth

We can also look in on-line or print dictionaries: hypogaeic foragers.

Now that we've checked those meanings, we can use these terms together with Amazon rain forest, to see if we can find anything: appears to be a thesis or dissertation from Germany, however, it is written in English and holds a clue: "[Ants known] feed on palm oil had broad food spectra (Rettenmeyer[,] 1963; Savage, 1849; Roonwal, 1972; Moffett, 1986)." Looking at the cited articles, we see these complete references:

Moffett, 1986. M. W. Marauders on the Jungle Floor. National Geographic 170:273-286.

Rettenmeyer, C. W. 1963. Behavioral studies in army ants. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 44:281-465.

Roonwal, M.L. 1972. Plant-pest status of root-eating ant, Dorylus orientalis, with notes on distribution and habits (Insecta:Hymenoptera). J. Bombay. Nat. Hist. Soc. 72:305-313.

Savage, T. S. 1849. The driver ants of Western Africa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. 4:195-200.

The National Geographic article is likely a secondary source. The others look outwardly like they might be primary source, refereed journal articles. We can obtain these articles on-line, or, through interlibrary loan, or, by going to a library that has the journals. I suggest looking at the Roonwal article first, because he talks of roots and plant-pests. But, this article is in the Bombay journal... so, it likely doesn't mention plants of the Amazon that are fed on by ants.

If we have a difficult time finding such articles... on ants eating what plants in the Amazon, it may suggest a research area where we can provide new information. Of course, our literature search has just begun, but, it is an idea worth noting down. (These days you may wish to keep your notes in a spread sheet type file or a database. Personally, I find Microsoft Excel (trademark Microsoft) to be the easiest to rapidly manipulate and to be easy to add new columns and change the data types being stored, if desired. I have also used a number of other systems and file cards and notebooks, or combinations of the above...You have to find your own best system. For young students, this finding-your-own-best-system means learning specific ones your teachers give you, so you can try them out, to later discover what works best for you for note-taking.)

I hope at this point you are catching a feel for the detective-like, puzzle-solving excitement of science... Tracking down ideas in the technical literature so that you can build on the shoulders of the scientists preceding you. Gathering information is one of the steps needed in designing experiments. It allows you the tools to create sound experimental design. One must guard against being biased by the previous work, however. Go and explore. You can search for more primary articles on ants and their plants, or, you can select another science topic that interests you. Remember, the goal is to distinguish between primary and secondary sources, while you read about a science topic of interest to you. (By the way, this skill of finding primary and secondary sources is transferable to other areas such as history, music, math, art and all others.) Enjoy the detective work, and, don't get discouraged by difficult words.

Feel free to add comments on articles that you find, or on your own literature search adventures. If you have questions on primary and secondary sources, be sure to ask those, too.
Further Notes:
While looking up, "hypogaeic," to link definitions into the post, I came across this post on a "new" (1903) hypogaeic ant from Texas and have included it for your information: When searching the technical literature, "old" literature may provide valuable information. This point is important because students are taught to stay current, and that, too, is important. But, some information is only available in older works. For example, one would not disregard the works of Aristotle or Plato, even though they are old. I mention this because I've seen schools teach students to throw out old references just because they are old. Sometimes that's valid, sometimes, it's not. The important thing is to think deeply about the value. For example, if you were reading an article on heredity from the 1930's and used it as your only source for a paper on heredity, then, you'd be in trouble, because so much new information is known on DNA and heredity since that time. The article below might provide a great comparison and contrast with the earlier article, cited in the secondary source that started this post... style of writing, methods used, similarities and differences in the descriptions, and so on.

The reference to the Texan ants is shown below:
  • William Morton Wheeler. 1903. Erebomyrma, a new genus of hypogæic ants from Texas. Biological Bulletin, 4:3 (Feb., 1903). 137-148. Published by: Marine Biological Laboratory.

Once the post is updated, I will indicate the update at the bottom of the post: Updated 9-18-2008; Updated 9-20-2008.

Learn the Plants in the Lily Family

The Connecticut Botanical Society has a website where you can look at several plants in the same family. Try it out by clicking these words, which will bring you to their link.

By the way, this is an example of a website that could be linked to EOL (see earlier post on EOL), if they haven't already been linked.

You might like to read the Connecticut Botanical Society's statement on collecting plants.

You can read more about the Connecticut Botanical Society's web site here: Read more...

How do you think about science?

Often in science we think about specific topics such as osmosis or the Kreb's cycle. Today, let's examine how we think about topics in science.

First of all, pick a science topic that you are now studying and list it:

Now, identify what you have done with that topic:

Look over what you have just written. What thinking skills did you use?

When working on this topic, were you studying, "history of science," or, were you, "doing science," or, both? Give examples.

With parental or guardian(al) permission, look for new-to-you information on the internet or at the library on the topic you selected. Read and paraphrase (Put it in your own words), or, summarize (write the information in a short form covering major points) that information. Check what you've written for both spelling and grammar, and for accuracy.

Analyze what you have read. Compare and contrast it with what you already know for example. Do you agree with what you found? Why, or, why not? Again review your work for spelling, grammar, and accuracy.

Create an experimental design related to your topic. (An experimental design has an introduction (background information and what others have done and said on this topic---which you will cite), materials and methods (What you will do, with what, and how), blank data table, and literature cited (What references did you quote, paraphrase or get ideas from?). Again review your work for spelling, grammar, and accuracy.

Share you work with other students or family members. Remember to concentrate a portion of your discussion on how you were thinking about your topic.

As an extra activity, you might try to find a refereed journal article that talks about that topic as a focus, or, as a small part of the article. Have fun doing this. Such articles will likely be difficult to read and will require you to use "reach reading" skills (trademark). Reach reading skills, just like using skills to find new treasure in a video game, help make such scientific library research fun.
(c) 2008 J S Shipman
trademark J S Shipman

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bluebirds: What's your part in the bluebird project?


Did you know there i s a housing shortage? Well, there is. It is a shortage of housing for bluebirds. Nesting cavities...for bluebird homes... are in short supply. Competing for these living spacesa are bluebirds, sparrows and starlings.

Here is Christy's website on her part in bringing back bluebirds. What is your role?
Christy's Bluebirds

Here's the Illinois-Audubon Bluebird Project link

Bluebird monitors across the Illinois are encouraged to send their data at the end of each season to the address below:
Mary Hennen
Bird Division, Field Museum
1400 S. Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60605
Are you collecting data about the birds near your home? Perhaps your local Audubon Society would be interested in your data.

Blue bird houses soon available ...
at BluebirdsForMarie (Will link when available)

Do you know what plants bluebirds like? What kind of environment is suitable for them? How can you find out.

Here's a Look at a Primary Source Article

Here's a look at a primary source article (related to the September 10th post) via a link. If you can't get a direct link by clicking, your librarian can likely help you get a copy via interlibrary loan, or, you can try the library at a nearby college. Please follow the rules for the links. For example, the patient link is not to be used for educational purposes. It is only for patients. The Medical link does have a 30 day free trial today. Your institution may have access to these or other on-line refereed journal article access.

The genetic response to short-term interventions affecting cardiovascular function: Rationale and design of the Heredity and Phenotype Intervention (HAPI) Heart Study

Here's an activity to try: Draw two interlocking circles for a Venn diagram. Then lable one as Primary source and one as a story about science (or a secondary source). Use the Venn diagram to help you compare and contrast the two articles.

(c) 2008 J. S. Shipman

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Differentiating "Primary Sources" from "Stories about Science"

Here's a link to an article on fat genes.

Can you tell if it is a "primary source" or not?

Who did the research? Did the person or people who did the research write this article?

How can you find primary source articles?

Where can you find them?

What format do they typically follow?

Is any of your work generating primary source information? Which work?

(c) 2008 J S Shipman

A Sampling of Topics to be Presented at Asian Association for Biology Education (AABE 22)

This post still under development. Please check back later.

A Sampling of Topics to be presented at
The 22nd Biennial Conference of the AABE
Program and Abstracts

ANA Gate Tower Hotel, Osaka, Japan
November 21-24, 2008

An Analysis of Skills for Use of Scientific Ability in the University Entrance Qualification

Examination Biology Test by Tomoko OHMORI
Standards for the Development of Certification Examinations for Secondary School Biology Teachers in Korea
by *Hae-Ae SEO, Ho-Kam KANG and Yong-Jin KIM
Examining Practices in an Inquiry-based, Work-oriented Science and Technology Classroom: Implications on Biology Education
by Jessamyn Marie O. YAZON
An Example of a Support to the Integrated Study of a Junior High School of Japan in the Local Community
by Mitsuo SAITOH
Development of Biology Audiovisual (CD) Teaching Material for Developing Experimental Basic Skills of Science Teacher on Developing Country
by *Namio NAGASU, Toshinobu HATANAKA and Nobuyasu
Multimedia Presentations on the Human Genome "Implementation and Assessment of a Teaching Program for the Introduction to Genome Science Using a Poster and Animations"
by *Kei KANO, Saiko YAHATA, Kaori MUROI, Masahiro

Poster Presentations:

Diversity of Birds and Food Plants of Birds at Wiang-Kosai National Park, Thailand by Surakan PAYAKKHABUT

FYI (For your information): Wiang Kosai
National Park
P.O.Box 1 Amphur Wang Chin Phrae Thailand 54160 Tel. 0 5455 6763 (VoIP), 0 5450 9322 E-mail

Cercarial Infections of Freshwater Snails Genus Bithynia Leach, 1818 in the Northeast of Thailand by *Duangduen KRAILAS, Chayada CHOTSRISUPPARAT,

Trematode Infections Obtained from Freshwater Snail Melanoides tuberculata in the North Thailand
Sensitivity to Chemical Attractant of Diacetyl
after Pre-exposure to Diacetyl is Inversely Related
to Life-span of the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
and Mitsuyuki ICHINOSE
The Study of Biosurfactant as a Cleaning Agent for
Insecticide Residue in Leafy Vegetable
by *Churdchai CHEOWTIRAKUL and Nguyen Dieu LINH
Variability in Acetylcholinesterase upon Exposure to
Chlorpyrifos and Carbaryl in Hybrid Catfish
by *Voravit CHEEVAPORN, Chawanrat SOMNUEK, Chutarat
Effects of Handling Processes on the Quality and
Biochemical Changes in Tissue of Mud Crab, Scylla
serrata, (Forskal, 1755) during Emersion Storage
by *Nongnud TANGKROCK-OLAN and Waritchon NINLANON
The Effects of Earthworm-formulated and Commercial
Feeds on the Growth and Development of Nile Tilapia
(O. niloticus)
by *Rosa Mistica L. HERMOSO, Blythe N. KE
and Samuel M. GO
Study on Actinomycetes Soluble Pigments for Suitable
by *Rattanaporn SRIVIBOOL and Udomluck THITIRAKPANICH
In Vitro Effects of Some Thai Antihelmeinthic Plants
on Tegument Surface and Mortality of Stellantchasmus
falcatus (Trematoda: Heterophyidae)
by Kittisak PHUTTACHAT, Kittichai CHANTIMA, Chakkapong
TEUMMEE, *Siriwadee CHOMDEJ and Chalobol WONGSAWAD
Effect of IGF-2 Gene on Litter Size and Reproductive
Performance in Pigs
by Waranee PRADIT, Supamit MEKCHAY,
Korakot NGANVONGPANIT, and *Siriwadee CHOMDEJ
Sound Quality of Salor's Bow from Different Horsehair
by Watcharapong NARABALLOBH, Chamnan TRINARONG,
Narit SITASUWAN and *Siriwadee CHOMDEJ
Microsatellite Primers in Ficus hirta and Erythrina
subumbrans for Applications
in Tropical Forest Restoration
by Wuttichai PHAIRUEANG, Bhanupong PHROMMARAT,
Sutthathorn CHAIRUANGSRI and *Siriwadee CHOMDEJ
A Proposal of Recycling Club Model for Environmental
Education in Malaysia
by *Yap Pei SUAN and Shigeyoshi WATANABE
Investigation of Japanese Biology Curriculum in Primary
School which is Regarded Nature Observation as Important
by *Takayuki SATO and Ikumi ASAHARA
Creating a Field Biology Program for Your School:
Lessons from the PSHS-Main Campus Experience
by *Nino A. ESPINAS, Ma. Elena K.
DACANAY, Frederick T. TALAUE, and
Melanie Anne B. CHENG
Environmental Education with Reference to Biological
Aspects for Non-science Majors in Pre-service Teacher
Training Courses by Nobuyasu KATAYAMA
Effects of Fish Breeding Activity for College Students
Who Aim to Become a Elementary School Teacher
Animal-assisted Education at Japanese Schools with Support
from Veterinarians
Conservation Medical Education Performed by the Wild
Animal Medical Center (WAMC) in Rakuno Gakuen University
by Mitsuhiko ASAKAWA
Teaching-Materials of the "Rice Plant" in Biology Education
by *Kazuko IIJIMA, Ryuichi SAGO, Tomoko IIJIMA,
Masayoshi UESHIMA and Michinori KARIYA
Usefulness of Small Scale Biotopes in Kindergarten Education
in the Urban Area of Japan
by *Tsutomu OSAWA and Mitsuo MATSUKA
The Effectiveness of Using Data Which Have Been Obtained
by Students for Learning about the Human Environment in
Junior High School Science
by *Yasuhiro KANAIZUKA and Nobuyasu KATAYAMA
The Practice of Environmental Education in Japanese
Elementary and Junior High School Science Using Natural
Resources in Hokkaido Area
by Kiyoyuki OHSHIKA
The Current State of Myxomycete Collections in Museums
and Future Prospects of the Utilization on Biological
by *Yuka YAJIMA and Kiyoyuki OHSHIKA
Evaluation of Hypoglycemic Activity of Ardisia sp.
(Myrsinaceae): Mouse Model
by *Edna A. AMPARADO and Dennis D. RAGA
Evaluation of the Glycemic Effect of Telosma
(Asclepiadaceae) in Normal and Alloxan-induced Diabetic
Juvenile Mice (Mus musculus)
by *Lilibeth A. CAJUDAY and Edna A. AMPARADO
The Antioxidant Potential of Crude Leaf Extracts from
Selected Endemic Plant Species of the Philippines
by *Reynand C. CANOY, Jan Michael Jesse LOMANTA,
Paolo SIGUAN and Sonia D. JACINTO
Screening Plant Species for Assessing Cd and Neem
Extract Contamination
by *Vilaiporn BUNYAKITJINDA, Supanyika SENGSAI and
Evaluation of Genotoxic Effects of Residue Aza
Containing Neem Extract on Root Tip Cells of Allium cepa,
Zephyranthes rosea and Eucrosia bicolor
by *Wimol KWANKUA, Supanyika SENGSAI and
Factors Affecting Cadmium Adsorption
of Kirchneriella lunaris
by *Ptumporn MUANGPHRA, Waramanee PONGSAWAT and
Genotoxicity of Cadmium to Coelomocytes of Earthworms,
Pheretima peguana and Pheretima posthuma
by Ptumporn MUANGPHRA
Karyotype Studies of Freshwater Snails, Filopaludina spp.
by *Supanyika SENGSAI, Wimol KWANKUA,
Duangduen KRAILAS and Siriporn KAEWKLOM
An Application of Conventional and GISH Karyotypes
to Biological Education
―An Example of Compositae Plants―
by *Hisakazu OGURA, Shiguang GUO and Katsuhiko KONDO
A Validation Study of Shell Porosity Measurements
in Eggshells of the Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus)
by *Kampanat THARAPOOM and Ruedi NAGER
New Teaching Materials on "Life of Oceanic Sea
Skaters and Adaptation to Oceanic Environment"
by *Mika YOKOTA, Toshiki TAMURA, Takao
Mitsuru NAKAJYO, Chihiro KATAGIRI and Tetsuo HARADA
Life Table of Springtail, Xenylla sp. (Hexapoda: Collembola)
Male Sterile Oxalis corniculata as Teaching Material
for Pollination and Fructification
by *Shigeaki ATSUMI and Megumi KASAHARA
Classroom Experiment for Studying the Response of
Organisms to Their Environment with the Unicellular
Green Algae Haematococcus pulvialis
by *Haruka MATSUMOTO and Nobuyasu KATAYAMA
P-40 Study on Teaching Materials of Creature in
Elementary School Science Textbooks
―Appropriateness of the Fact that Japanese Schools
begin in April―
by *Junko IWAMA, Shizuo MATSUBARA and
Close Analysis of Reading Inscriptions
in Biology Textbooks
by *JaeYoung HAN, Yong-Jin KIM,
Jung-In CHUNG, Seong Hey PAIK and
Young-Wook SONG
Changes of High School Students' Explanatory Hypothesis
Formation by the Anxiety Types of Cognitive Conflict
in Respiration Experiment Task
by *Young-Sik KWON and Kil-Jae LEE
The Development and Application of Teaching-learning
Program utilizing Scientists' Research Papers for
Improvement of the Gifted-in Science Students' Problem
Solving Ability.
by *Hyun-Jung LEE and Kil-Jae LEE
Learning-related Brain Activation Changes
in High School Students: An fMRI Study
by *Yong-Ju KWON, Il-Sun LEE, Suk-Won KWON,
Il-Ho YANG and Myoung HUR
Brain-based Differences between Pre-service Science
Teachers' Causal Inference and Perception about
Biological Phenomena
by *Young-Joon SHIN, Jun-Ki LEE, Jung-Ho BYEON and
Dong-Hoon SHIN
An Exploratory Study on Emotional Factors in the
Elementary Science Instruction
by *Jaeyoung KIM, Chaeseong LIM, Gwangsam RYU
DVD Talks about the Human and Environment on the
and Atwushi MIYAWAKI
Space Educational Program - Implementation of
Sample Return Missions
by *Hideaki KOBAYASHI and Tsutomu YAMANAKA

A Simple and Useful Method for the Observation of
Somatic Cell Divisions Using Acetic Dahlia Solution
as a Staining Solution for Biology Class at the
Secondary School Level
by *Yoshihiko YONEZAWA and Hidehiro HANMOTO

Curriculum Guides Available from Newspapers

Curriculum Guides for Teachers (or, for parents providing enrichment at home) are often available from newspapers.
For example, the Times-Herald Record lists several. Click on the paper name to see what they have. You can also contact your local paper and see if they have anything. You might also want to ask them to have more articles on science topics. (I would like to see articles on preservation of habitat, especially in urban and developing sub-urban and rural areas. Often development proceeds more quickly than thinking about habitat preservation. Sustainability of the Earth requires that we think deeply and implement sustainable, preservation measures. What would you like to see? Let us and your paper know.)

If you are looking for curriculum guides for specific science areas, please email me at and let me know.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Using "EOL" and...being Part of the Global Effort to Add Plant Species to the Encyclopedia of Life

People all over the world are adding plant species to the Encyclopedia of Life. If you know of someone with a database of plant species, encourage them to add their database of plant species

If you are from Bolivia, or Morocco, or South Africa, or, the USA or, Canada, or the UK, or Japan, or Iraq, or Australia, or, Eritrea, or Somalia, or, anywhere in the world, contact botanists where you live and see if they have added their data to the EOL. Or, perhaps you know a plant that hasn't been added. You can add it.

It is exciting to be a part of this world wide peaceful effort.

You can also use the Encyclopedia of Life.


Here's a link to try for hawk information. Watch for hawks during their migration.

Recent Popular Links on the Blog are:

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drill down5Read about it: Experiment Ideas: Plant Pigments Link (USA to Japan to USA again...)
drill down5Read about it: Resource for Science Fair Ideas...Plant Research (Botany)
drill down5Read about it: Memorial
drill down5Read about it: The Botany Beat...
drill down4Read about it: Wisconsin Fast Plants
drill down3Read about it: July 2008
drill down3Read about it: a program of assisted migration—selectively moving certain species to new locations better suited to their surviva
drill down3Read about it: Jane Colden teaches Us
drill down3Read about it: H.O.T. skills
drill down3Read about it: Chelsea Physic Garden---Home of the Original U-tube

Data from mystats (linked below)

Ages 6 to 12 Try to Win a Scholarship with Peanut butter?

(Be sure to have parent or guardian permission.)
Work a chance at winning a scholarship into your science lesson. Talk about balanced nutrition, peanuts and where they fit into the food pyramid, how they can be part of good nutrition, what proteins and fats are , and other peanut butter - science related topics.

Then, learn about a scholarship for the "Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich," at

Create some sandwiches, take pictures. Eat a great lunch, wash up, and then,... enter the contest.

USA only... (But, perhaps you know of some scholarship opportunities in other countries we can post here???)

Deadline: 11-14-08. Do your best. Good luck.

Link to the World of Microbes

Science Meeting Link

Here is a link to science meeting software. You may find it useful. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, so, if you are familiar with it, please leave a comment. Perhaps it is useful for arranging a science fair, or, keeping track of references for your research.

Thank you for any evaluations.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Kestral Naming...

Do you know what a Kestral is? You can find out lots of ways. One way is to visit Recently they have had a naming ceremony for a new kestral.

Do you have a plant or animal story to tell? Try writing it out and then telling a few friends. Take some pictures, or draw some, to accompany your story.

A parent or guardian can submit your story in the comment section.