Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sauerkraut Science (Post under development)

Sauerkraut Science
What has sauerkraut got to do with science?
Here is a lesson about picking a science fair topic.

(Not doing science fair ? Just want a good read? Read the link at the end of this post.)

Pick something you are interested in or that you can afford to use. Then, look for the science related to that item. Okay, we've selected sauerkraut, just to prove that almost any topic can become a subject of science study.

Brainstorm: What about sauerkraut has to do with science? What does your topic have to do with science?

Do a Literature Search:
Here's a sampling of literature found on sauerkraut. Do a search on your own topic.
  • Books
  1. Chemical Activities (Teacher's Addition) Christie L. Borgford and Lee R. Summerlin. ISBN13:97808412163 ISBN10:0841214166 paper. 244 pages.
  2. Traditionally Fermented Foods
  • Newspapers and Magazines
  • Journals
  1. Food Chemistry: Changes in biogenic amine concentrations during sauerkraut storage. Volume 69, Issue 3, 15 May 2000, Pages 309-314
    doi:10.1016/S0308-8146(99)00273-3 How to Cite or Link Using DOI (Opens New Window)
    Copyright © 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  2. Leuconostoc sp. strains:
  • Internet
  1. Fermented Foods
  2. Lactic Acid Bacteria
  3. Microbiology
  4. Create Sauerkraut (commercial kit)
  5. Create sauerkraut (the old-fashioned way)
  6. (commercial site)
  7. DNA Fingerprinting in Sauerkraut?
Define a problem: "Do different amounts of salt affect the final product," or, "Do spices change the ability of the cabbage to be fermented?"

Brainstorm again:

Select a question from among your brainstormed ideas:

Write an experimental design:
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods (future tense)
  • Blank data table
  • Literature Cited
Set up the Experiment

Perform the Experiment

Collect Data

Analyze Data

Think about the Experiment and Future Experiments it suggests

Write a Laboratory Report:
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods (Past Tense)
  • Results
  • Discussion and Conclusions
  • Literature Cited
Write a Reflection
  • What did you do well?
  • What did you learn?
  • Do you have something to publish?
  • Do you have ideas for another experiment?
  • What can you do to improve your science fair experience next time?

Here's a wintertime story on sauerkraut that you might enjoy:

(c)2007, 2008 J. S. Shipman

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