Sunday, August 15, 2010

la leccion de la vaca....y "science class"

---Under development---

"La leccion de la vaca," is a story that
"La leccion de la vaca," is a story that can

can be tied into concepts in science.

Watch the video and see if you can come up

with some related science concepts.

Did you like the story? Why or why not?

Here is a PDF file link on grain use versus meat use in the USA and China. Do you think it relates to concepts in the story?

Here is an article comparing and contrasting grass versus grain fed beef:

Does the article have a point of view? A bias?

This one is about a science standard in the UK:

Science at key stage 3 (Year 9)

Unit 9D: Plants for food
Section 9: b. How do pests affect plant growth?



Children should learn:
  • that toxins enter a food chain when plants take them in or are in contact with them
  • that as animals feed on plants they may accumulate toxins taken in by the plant
  • that at each step of the food chain persistent toxins are accumulated in the carnivores and that this process is bio-accumulation
  • about advantages and disadvantages of using pesticides"

    Source: Accessed 15 August 2010
Look at the objectives and speculate on how they might relate to the, "leccion de la vaca."

Here is a quote for reflection:
Ensuring sufficient food supplies is one of the most basic challenges facing any human society. Organized and efficient food production supports population growth and the development of cities and towns, trade, and other essential elements of human progress.

It is, in my opinion, important to have and share hope. When thinking about the food supply, what can we each do to ensure sufficient food. This assurance doesn't mean giving away our least favorite vegetables, the way we might have thought when we were children. What does it mean? What can we do? We are resourceful people and can use our science knowledge to solve the world hunger problem. How can you learn and apply science related to this global problem?

Here is a food triangle or pyramid that is for meat eaters:

Can you compare and contrast them, then, evaluate them based on the science you know? Can you suggest a public policy based on what you have learned? But, wait...Is it good for diabetics? Look at this quote and related link, too:
Once it is considered that following food pyramid can provide effective diabetes control and blood glucose management. But now food pyramid is considered as outdated method that is only suitable for healthy individual (non diabetic) not for diabetes.
Source: Accessed August 15, 2010.

WHere does biomass fit into the picture of alleviating hunger?

"The concept of biomass is important. It is a general principle that the further removed a trophic level is from its source (detritus or producer), the less biomass it will contain (biomass here would refer to the combined weight of all the organisms in the trophic level). This reduction in biomass occurs for several reasons:

  1. not everything in the lower levels gets eaten
  2. not everything that is eaten is digested
  3. energy is always being lost as heat

"...[R]emember that the decrease in number is best detected in terms or biomass. Numbers of organisms are unreliable in this case because of the great variation in the biomass of individual organisms."

Source: Accessed August 15, 2010.

Hmmm! What do you think about that? Is it time to look at journal articles on the food pyramid and biomass?

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