| You Can Help Feed our Children A Healthy Future "Optimum Health for Kids" was launched by Optimum Health Solution (a 501c3 non profit organization dedicated to eliminating chronic disease, malnutrition and obesity in children) on October 26, 2009 at the Martin Luther King Jr. K-8 School in Dorchester.
This program, based on the Hippocrates Health Institute approach, addresses the most important aspects of physical health: healthy whole food, exercise, psycho-emotional support and detoxification. As part of the program, the teachers will receive pre and post personal health assessments to show improvements in their own health while following the program. They will also receive training to implement the program within their classrooms and will earn 30 Professional Development Points.
Their lesson plans and videos will be posted on www.optimumhealthsolution.org to give access to teachers for use in classrooms worldwide. Upon completion of the course, Optimum Health Solution will assist the teachers, students and community with the planting of raised organic gardens.
To date, thanks to your contributions, half the funds have been raised through the Optimum Health Solution "Life Force Energy" classes, Dinner Speaker Series and sales of health products. All are welcome to attend our events and to sign up for our newsletter. For more information please visit www.optimumhealthsolution.org/blog Your donations to this program are needed and appreciated as well as tax deductible. Please make donations on line at www.optimumhealthsolution.org/donate.htm. Or You Can Help Raise Funds By
You and your friends buying tickets to the Dinner Speaker events. Two of our speakers, Nathan Batallion Dec 1and Brenda Cobb March 15, are willing to pay all their expenses and donate their fee to the Martin Luther King, Jr. K-8 School projects
Nathan Batalion, ND, international lecturer, will be featured Tuesday, December 1 at the Optimum Health Solution~Raw New England Dinner Speaker Series on the topic of
In addition Aimee Perrin will be presenting one of her fantastic food demos.
Brenda Cobb will only come if 100 tickets have been purchased for her March 16 event by December 15. Brenda Cobb, author of The Living Foods Lifestyle and Director of "The Living Foods Institute" in Atlanta, Georgia is an internationally renowned speaker. Help make this happen. She will be speaking on RAW & LIVING FOODS REVERSE AGING & HEAL
Stuart Reiter, Prana Cafe head Chef, will also present a food demo of a savory dish with samples. You can pick up flyers and the OHS brochure at our BVFF booth or they can be emailed to you. Buy your ticket now for only $15.
You can also BUY A RAFFLE TICKET for only $1 at our booth (mid aisle 6) at the FREE Boston Vegetarian Food Festival tomorrow Saturday, Oct 31 (10-6) or Sunday, Nov 1 (10-4) at the Reggie Lewis Athletic Center, 1350 Tremont Street, Boston across from the Roxbury Crossing Orange Line Subway Station. FREE PARKING GREAT PRIZES:
Free ticket and free dinner at a Dinner Speaker event of your choice
50% off a Life Force Energy class Free Organic Annie's Fresh Tastes for Breakfast Free Life Force by Brian Clement Free DVD "Yoga in the Garden of Serenity with Kathleen Anderson".
Also to raise funds, SCHEDULE A HEALTH ASSESSMENT on Tuesdays Nov. 5 or Nov. 10.On Sunday, Nov. 1, you can assess the health of your arteries FREE at our booth. -
You can VOLUNTEER AT OUR BOOTH ON SUNDAY NOV 1 from 12 to 4 and help repack car with everything from the booth.
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Optimum Health Solution | 337 Newton St. #4 | Waltham | MA | 02453
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