Friday, October 19, 2012

Great news from Italy: Major steps toward growing replacement kidneys. How exciting!!!

Here are some quotes and their translations on an exciting discovery.  There's also a related video.  Read them, watch the video, and think about these things:

1.  Do you think that the body will reject kidneys grown from techniques like these?  Why or why not?  Can you support your answer?  Give some references for the items you choose for support.

2.  Is there a similarity among the work of scientists globally?

3.  Dr. J thinks this news is exciting.  Do you?  Why or why not?

4.  Was it interesting to hear a woman scientist speaking in her own language?  Could you pick up some words?  
5.  Do you know someone with a kidney disease?

6.  What are some ways you can protect your kidneys?

Please feel free to add comments below.

The technique in fact opens the way for technologies that make it possible to produce human nephrons from patient's own cells and to mimic human renal diseases by means of genetic manipulation in order to study the complex mechanisms and a preliminary assessment of the activity of the drugs, thereby reducing the experimentation animals. "The generation of nephrons from single cells - adds Ariela Benigni, head of the Department of Molecular Medicine Center Astori - had never been described

Original text

La tecnica infatti apre la strada a tecnologie che consentiranno di produrre nefroni umani da cellule del paziente stesso e di mimare mediante manipolazione genetica malattie renali umane per studiarne i complessi meccanismi e valutare in via preliminare l'attività dei farmaci, riducendo in questo modo la sperimentazione sugli animali.  “La generazione di nefroni a partire da singole cellule – aggiunge Ariela Benigni, capo del dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare del Centro Astori – non era mai stata descritta

Source:  Accessed 19 Oct 2012  (Translation—Google Translate)

The importance of the discovery is confirmed by the fact that the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, a magazine that publishes the work of Xinaris in its issue of October 18, 2012 

Original text

L'importanza della scoperta è testimoniata dal fatto che il Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, rivista che pubblica il lavoro di Xinaris nel suo numero del 18 ottobre 2012*, ha voluto dedicarle l'editoriale.
Source:  Accessed 19 Oct 2012  (Translation—Google Translate)

Can you find the original journal article? .  Reading journal articles can be a slow process and the more you read them in a certain area, the faster the process is.  I encourage you to follow new developments, like this one, as they happen, in the technical journals.  You might not know all the words, but as Joan Beinetti says (personal communication, 1989), "No one knows all the words."  You develop a bigger vocabulary by reading more and using the new words you find.  Enjoy!

(c) 2012 J S Shipman

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